Posted 13 years ago
(145 items)
petrus regout is one of the factorys from the south of holland though the most of what i have seen from petrus regout is dinnerware i once picked this up on a market and fell in love with it some say the horse shoe must be up side down i hope the four leave clovers make up for it
The swallows also suggest eternal good luck, they keep coming back to the same spot and are an emblem of 'Spring'. Great good luck mojo! I wonder why there are six swallows?
thanks again for a great comment vetraio i dont know why there are 6 swallows either if i find out i will share the info also thanx for loving my stuff everybody who does great site nice to share good emotions!
It's Dutch so I am. I will look for you to find out what is the meaning of the six swallows!
Zes zwaluwen brengen nog geen zomer!
A variant of the more usual "Één zwaluw maakt nog geen zomer"
(variant: Eén zwaluw maakt de lente niet)
Betekenis: het lijkt op een begin, maar dat zegt niets over het resultaat; Of: als 1 ding goed loopt, betekent het niet dat andere dingen ook zo goed gaan lopen.
Vetrai050 what asurprise you are Dutch or has Dutch roots??
No Agram, Irish roots ... but a deep interest in things Dutch! Deep!
Mmh interesting, I like to deal with educated people. Where does this interest comes from? Is it special in Holland or do you have a wide interest in all kind of countries/people??
A good friend here is Dutch and was very influential forty years ago when I started collecting pottery. He was born in Indonesia. Great friend still. Over the years I have learnt more about the importance of the Dutch. Here in Australia the dominant culture is English but we are a multicultural nation. Abel Tasman gave his name to Tasmania. The early name of our continent was New Holland. And on we go. Even in England there was a period when all things Dutch was King .... the era of William and Mary ...... Dutch Delft and English Delft. The English language owes much to Frisian. It is a long and important story.
i am honoured by witnessing so much knowledge beeing shared, career and money is sometimes nice but this brings even more satisfaction!!thanks for that agram m and vetraio
This is the same company as my Japanese bowl I've just posted a few weeks ago!!!