Posted 13 years ago
(364 items)
I have lost my mind. I visited with a friend of mine at the Chicago Vintage Garage Sale, he resells mid century furniture and, apparently, left my brain somewhere. He has great stuff but I like my smalls, as it is easier to hide from the hubby. So why did I jump on this on what was suppose to be a five minute trip at the S. Army?? I couldn't snap it up fast enough. I had two, different people ask to buy it when I was standing waiting to be written up. Crazy.
So it is not marked. I have had a Whiddecomb (???) suggestion. Ideas?
Also, someone painted the very nice wood. Any suggestions on how to fix that? (or the lazy leave it)
Hi Hedge and MrMajestic, thanks!
Don't know really doesn't look like one but I can't help but to think surf board when I see this.Very nice piece Amber !!!!!!
It's a great table Amber. You could redecorate an entire roomaround it.
Absolutely, a who cool room, where only I can go....
Actually Hedge, I think it is called a surfboard coffee table. You so smart.
Oh my
I don't know a ton about furniture, but that could be worth some money...
Very neat
Really cool Amberose!... personally I think it would look much nicer taken back to the original wood.
If you could take as much apart as much you can, paint strip it a bit at a time, using wire wool (double or triple o) to clean it, then using a fine grade sand paper going with grain to smooth it out. Depending on the finish you want, you could oil it or brush an lacquer on it.
It's nice and flat so wouldn't be that hard to do, and I think it would be worth it.
Hope this is of some use to you......:-)
Looks like some kids scribbled with crayons underneath it too :(
You know what this kind of reminds me of? Have you ever seen a stingray-leather wallet? It has the exact same texture, and they use a part of the stingray that has a white diamond-shaped patch. Seriously, do a Google on "stingray wallet," its a dead-ringer, except the colors are switched
Stillwater and Inky, thank you. I will look up the wallet.
I do want to rehab the wood but am concerned I will ruin it.
I do wonder about the worth of this. I cannot find a match yet on the Internet.
The prices very wildly so if it worth 200 dollars, I can try to rehab. If it worth 500 bucks or more, maybe I should pay someone professional.
Did you hear my hubby when he hit the ceiling? It was really loud, I am sure you could hear it in Appleton ; )
Wow! Love it!!!
Nope got it at the S Army for 60 bucks. My friend just got my eyes wandering to the furniture department.
Thank you miKKo and Bellin, you too eye4!!
Thank you Trunkman and adirondack!
beautiful coffee table. PLEASE don't refinish it. it goes w/ the tiling. my dad made furniture w/ inlaid tile - very similar to this when he was in the secret service in washington [when i was born in 63]. apparently, they had really well-stocked workshops where they could make all kinds of wonderful crafts back then. sadly, he decided he didn't like any of it in the 70s and gave it all away. he made these beautiful tile wall plaques w/ great 60s designs of trees in them too.
Hi Amber!
Getting Back on Track!
Words mentioned to search with:
Shagreen - shark skin.
Widdicomb, John. Grand Rapids.
T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings.
Tiled tables are all the rage Down Under! I was at a dealer friends shop the other day and he said not to throw any chipped china away. He sells it to people making up table tops. Stick with this one! Leave it alone for the moment. See how you feel about it in a months time. The paint on the tiles on top suggests it has been repainted but that may have been done more than once already. Save your energy and lay back and enjoy the look of it. That black stripe in the centre is like an Earth Mother presence. The black edges and feet make perfect sense with the black tiles as in photo 1. Those tiles are just three sizes too! Nicely placed, really done well. Do things sit well on it? I bet they do!
Leave it alone!
Search "Mosaic modernist table" and find a better one!
That is really interesting about mosaics being so popular V, funny how cyclic things are.
Regarding the black paint: In person it is very obvious that it is a home paint project. It is also peeling in parts and you can see stained wood underneath.
However, I do think that the black looks pretty cool with the tile.
There is a raging debate going on in my house over this table. It may not have a permanent home here as the hubby thinks it is cool but points out that it doesn't match a thing we own. I argue that it could if we wanted it too. I like V's idea of designing a room around the table. I am not making much progress.
Fantastic table! Love the canoe / boat shape to it!
nice 60s piece it is easy to restore just brush on paint remover and remove that before its really dry with steelwool size double zero after it is all clean just lacker it or oil it but not too shiny good luck!
Artislove, I suspect this is spray paint does that make a difference? Thank you for your help, I am afraid of ruining it.
Good point...I completely see where you are at here.
I guess to me ruining it would be turning this really cool piece that everyone seems to like, into kindling wood. Something that has lasted for 50 plus years, turned into junk (and not the good kind)
It has the potential of the same sadness I feel when one of a pair breaks. I bought a pair of pottery mantel vases (posted), which the women I bought it from remembers it from her grandparents, and while gently washing the dust off one broke in half. It made me sniffy.
Ruining this could make me sniffy.
it makes no difference if its spray paint and if you dont like the original wood you can also spray it black again by the way i restored some pretty expensive pieces of furniture this way but eye for beauty has a point if you like it like it is there is no point of making an effort good luck!
Neat table amber!
do you remember who/where the mcm seller was in Chicago area?
Sure, it's my friend Robert.
Amber, love the must have had a lot of parties using it!!! If I had the space...we would duke it out :))
Moon, it got dinged, rightly by the hubby and I traded it with a friend of mine. It doesn't match the house...sniff.
Really enjoyed our chit chat today! We need to do that much more often!
This is the Stingray Wallet Stillwater was telling you about. My wife gave it to me as a birthday present about 5 years ago. I have only seen one like it,. He was amazed as much as I was. I Love the Table !!