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Gas pump collection

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Gas Pumps258 of 354Martin & Schwartz (Buffalo, NY)Vintage restored Gilbarco gilmore gas pump
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (3 items)

    This is my collection of gas pumps and oil dispensers. Gas pumps range in age from 1905 to 1955. The 1905 pump is a Wayne model 32. The others are 1929 Martin & Schwartz , 1930 Goulds, 1930 Blackmier, and a 1955 Erie Meter. The oil dispersers are of unkown age, but I guess from late 1930's to 40's from a Union 76 station in Lake Stevens Wa.


    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      The pumps are great, but I love the street lamp over the garage

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