Posted 13 years ago
(82 items)
I grew up in South Pasadena, California. Way before I was born, South Pasadena was famous for it's ostrich farm, developed before the turn of the last century. Back in those days, ostrich plumes were much in demand for ladies hats, boas, collars, etc. To supply the insatiable demand for ostrich feathers, and curiosity about these 'exotic' birds, Mr. Cawston opened his ostrich farm, offering tours, rides on ostrich-pulled carriages, viewing of ostrich chicks being hatched, etc. So, as a result of that little historical tidbit, I've picked up a few things through the years from the famous Ostrich Farm, and here they are! Postcards, folders, photos, and, just to add atmosphere, a Beanie Baby. Obviously NOT from Cawston's.