Posted 13 years ago
(236 items)
I love these but would never start to buy them. They seem to go on infinitely with themes that group them together. Clowns, romantic Viennese, English gentlemen, Greek themes, hunting, Chinoiserie, children, etc.... The funny thing is, many companies use the same theme in their own style.
For all the glass houses in Bohemia between 1900-1940 there must have been almost the same amount of refining (decorating, engraving, lampworks etz...) companies. A great many of these may also have been "off shore" refineries; so...blanks exported to England, France, America...could have been decorated in those countries.
-This is just a theory based on individual themes that would have been popular in those countries. I have also seen the same blanks with different tourist destinations...(another enamel topic).
I'm sure there is room for many theories here and I probably shouldn't be grouping all this together but what does fit in place is the simplicity of the base glass Tango) with the popularity of the silhouette.
The left most one, with decoration, was attributed at Passau to Steinschönau until recently, but I notice the more ornate version of this image (with double sided painting) is now under Josephine at Passau. I've always attibuted the purple and white blank to Josephine -slightly different to the Riedel version.
good observation but i think of Steinschonau as even more ornate, this enamel decor (theme) also comes in vases that might rule them out for me...about Josephine,...sounds right, at least not riedel- harrach too did many many blanks and i have seen silver tops in rindscopf as well