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Two Canadian 1950's Vertical Signs

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (120 items)

    Sorry I have been a little busy and have not had much time too make or read posts, but heres what i just picked up yesterday hope you guys like it them. Two 1950's hard to find vertical signs both made by STMS, in french. A little disappointed their both in french, but im assuming they would have cost alot more if they were in english. Both signs in fair readable condition, was really hard to leave these signs behind they were the only signs that interested me at the whole christie antique show yesterday. Weather was horrible poured rain the entire time i was their (its an outdoor show rain or shine) its times like those you see the true collectors out buying lol. I have a question was hoping someone could help me with the one sign has been "tagged" or written on with what appears to be purple sharpe marker, and i cannot get it removed. I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to remove the purple marker from sign without damaging it? So far i have only tried using a mr. clean magic eraser, with no success.

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 12 years ago
      Nice vertical signs Trevor! Great to hear from you again. You came back with a strong post! No wisdom on removing that marker from the sign other than: Anytime I've tried to remove stubborn surface stains or scratches, I've ended up doing more harm than good.
    2. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 12 years ago
      Hey Dave thanks for your comment, im hoping someone will know how to remove that marker, without damaging the sign. They did not produced to many of this image in engilsh im assuming they made even fewer in french.
    3. tommy1002 tommy1002, 12 years ago
      Beauty signs!! Now for that pesky sharpie mark, all hope my not be lost, if you're willing to experiment. The short list of sharpie removers is WD-40, Goof Off, Goo Gone, Rubbing Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, and maybe even "Awesome" spray. Be EXTRA careful with the goof off or goo gone they are strong and might take some paint. If you try those rub very gently!!
    4. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 12 years ago
      Thanks Tom! will try those methods very carefully and hopefully one does the trick!
    5. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      Very nice Trev! I did'nt see you there, but it was a good day for a few deals as the weather was perfect for keeping people away. Try a boat hull cleaner available at any marine shop. It's a mild acidic (oxalic and sulfuric) thats easy on paint but cuts through anything else. Permanent marker is tough, but it should help, I use it on all my signs. I'm actually right now cleaning a 1916 tin from a buddy, and it's taking off 100 years worth of grime, and bringing the life back to the sign.
    6. tommy1002 tommy1002, 12 years ago
      If you have a cheapy sign hiding around there go grab a sharpie and mark it up. Then you'll know for sure. It may sound silly but, on tin siding, when (if) I screw up a measurement I just draw over the line again and wipe with a rag before it dries again. Also your sign is white backround so maybe a dab of bleach on a clean rag would fade or blend it out. Good Luck!!
    7. Spriteboy Spriteboy, 12 years ago
      Glad to see you braved the weather on Saturday. I woke up and saw it was raining hard so went back to bed. Decided to save my money for the Shmidt auction. Heading down on Wednesday.
    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Wow there are a few folks headin to the Schmidt auction. Hope you guys snag some good stuff there. Hey Trevor, you found some beauties there! Always was curious how Coke advertised more in Canada and Europe with open bottles more than closed, also the details sometimes seem to be a little more intense and defined than the lower 48 advertising. Is it me?
    9. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      I guess my question is this, what is the point in using a different design, with different colors even at times? I don't know why they would've done this.
    10. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 12 years ago
      Thanks everyone for loving it and your comments, Bernie I didnt see you at the christie show either what time where you there? i was there from about 830 till 10:00. There was not much to see everything was covered up due to the rain. I did see a sign that reminded me of you similar to my french carton sign but is the wider english version that you got awhile back. The one i saw was pretty good condition but seller was asking 650$.......

      Tom good idea, but i dont have a spare sign with white and green background thats like my vertical sign, i will have to take my chances and test on smaller area.

      Bill I dont blame you for not going to christie show weather was horrible and alot of items where covered up, the main reason i went was because my power was out at home and nothing better to do with my rainie day lol.

      Ray i dont think i or anyone else said these signs were produced in the US, I did say their made by STMS (St. Thomas Metal Signs, which is an Ontario company) but took another look at the white vertical and noticed its actually produced by Barker (unsure where that company is/was located).......

      and Perry not really sure why coca-cola advertised differently in other countries, i like it tho makes it easier to tell Canadian and US signs apart.

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