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Earliest known tea brands in Chile

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Advertising Tins492 of 657Earliest known tea brands in ChileEarliest known tea brands in Chile
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (119 items)

    Ratanpuro Mark was one of the most popular in Chile in 1900 and was imported in 1881 by Grace and Company.
    Horniman's brands, Lipton, Cruz Azul, Mazawattee,
    Ratanpuro Puraboya and exporting different kinds of tea in cans boxes richly decorated with lithographs.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      I have an old Typhoo tea tin. Is that uncommon. You can have it if you can pick it up here.
    2. Yuko Yuko, 12 years ago
      Blunderbuss2 : I am a retired teacher and I have a small collection of boxes of tea in cans with lithographs, I managed to collect 31 different. I live in Los Andes, Chile.
      My name is Hugo Moraga B.

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