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Silver Epergne....garage sale find!

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Kitchen6516 of 8178percolator 1950's Rival 'Ice-O-Mat
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (190 items)

    Driving through the country today and found a great garage sale, it was inside a huge horse barn on a 100 acre horse farm. They had so much stuff it was unreal, I guess the grandmother (94 years of age) was down sizing and needed to sell some stuff. Here is one of the items I found for 3 bucks, which by the way I gave the full asking price, a silver plate glass epergne, on the bottom it reads HW & Co, dates from 1830 to 1872. It stands almost 23 inches high and is very detailed from the silver all the way to the etched glass. Pictures don't do this justice, it's absolutely beautiful! It was a great day picking!

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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Sweet pick ther chevy59, I want to go to a garage sale where you go! Youve been stealing alot of items lately! lol

    2. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks Michael, for the love and nice comment! You are more than welcome to go anytime!
    3. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      GREAT buy!

      Let me know-- I could double your money!

    4. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love scottvez, but I will have to pass on your offer. Lol
    5. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Up date... Went back to same the garage sale where I found this epergne and found another piece to it, I didn't realize was missing until I got to looking at the pattern on the glass. The first pic now has the missing piece. WOW!!!
    6. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      You are one lucky guy chevy59 to find that piece at the same garage sale a week later!

    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Wow! ...Wow!..Wow!....want..want..want!....if you need my address to where to send it, get back to me.....;-)
    8. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks Michael!
    9. SomeonesTreasures SomeonesTreasures, 12 years ago
      how nice of you to find my long lost family.... one of a kind..... wahhhh................... I SOOOO love this! Awesome Find Chevy! I concour the comment about picking with you ~(O)-(O)~
    10. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you SomeonesTreasures for the love and nice comment!
    11. smiata smiata, 12 years ago
      Some people have all the luck. Great find....I have been trying like crazy to piece one together piece by piece. It is taking forever. The pieces don't even all match. When I finally get it done I will post it.
    12. lovevintage lovevintage, 12 years ago
      Why Can't I ever find Garage Sales like that... Never going to happen.. :(
    13. smiata smiata, 12 years ago
      I will pay you ten!!! Lol!! Love it, beautiful piece..
    14. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      smiata, I will pay $15~ XOXOXO :))
    15. smiata smiata, 12 years ago
      Undercut by Moonstonelover21...Oh no!!!!

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