Posted 12 years ago
(384 items)
I found this gem in a barn in Trinity North Carolina, it's missing the yellow buttons and top piece that goes across the top, anyone know what the piece is that goes up there Fountain Service or store name? I have found some yellow buttons and Fountain Service for the top just want to make sure it is correct to the sign.
That's a sweet sign! My friend has one of these exact signs with the yellow buttons that go at the bottom, but at the top of the sign it's just white.
Thanks chevy59 for the nice comment and the love, could you send me a pic of the sign for a reference Thanks for the love fifties50s
Yes, chevy is right. The top was reserved for the store name. Great find!
Nice one Trey!
Yep, that's it! You can usually get a better deal on these because of the size. Not a lot of people have room for one this large.
Thanks for the love and nice comments signaholic, thanks for love tommy1002, officialfuel, EJW-54.
Thanks for the nice comment Daddy_Nobucks, thanks for the photo reference TGBWC.
Anybody know where I can find the white piece for the top?
Thanks for the love Longings, chrissylovescats.
Great sign Trey! I'd make my own topper for the sign until I found an original one if it were mine!
Thanks for the love trukn20, pickrknows, leighannrn, Designer, shughs, sanhardin, mtg75.
Thanks for the advice pickrknows, and the comment.
Anyone know where I can pick up a couple of the yellow buttons?, my source fell through not the ones for this sign.
Thank you for the love ttomtucker.
Thanks for the love fifties50s.
Thanks for the love and nice comment PhilDavidAlexanderMorris.
Thanks for the love jameyrd.
Thank you for the love bhamredlines.
Thanks for the love oilman514.
Thanks for hitting the love again ttomtucker:)
Thanks for the love Prells6.