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I Am Not Allowed To Go To Town By Myself Anymore!

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Car Manuals23 of 241979 Dodge Van  operating instruction booklet1956 Motor's Auto Repair Manual
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (310 items)

    Here is another “saved from the dumpster.” This pallet of auto repair manuals was going into the dumpster, that was not an option, however, I do not even work on vehicles. There are 203 of them and range from the early 1970's-2000's. I know most of the larger garages are going to the high dollar computer programs now, and that is probably why they were going into the trash, however, many of the smaller garages cannot afford those programs and still depend on manuals like these. According to my wife, “Chuck, you are not allowed to go to town by yourself anymore!”

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    1. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 12 years ago
      Great find! These usually go for decent prices at auctions so I would think you have found a gold mine.
    2. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      Thank you very much mustangtony , musikchoo & mrmajestic1. Yes, the dumpster, can you imagine that!!!, May by you could explain to my wife what a gold mine I have here!
    3. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 12 years ago
      The mind of a wife is unknown to me. As proof I have one myself.
    4. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 12 years ago
      maybe you need to build a wall out of these to hide behind!
    5. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Welldone, packrat! I see no problem here at all - no, all you need to do now is build a new garage, and install a good climate control system in it. No problem. And, just think, if we ever have WWIII on our shores, you can stack these in front of windows and doors for protection. : D Seriously, I understand and am happy for you. (I also understand that Mrs. packrat is worried that eventually you might run out of room for more treasures, and she knows that you love to hunt for treasures.)
    6. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      I would like to thank you all very much for your GREAT suggestions! AR8Jason, gargoylecollector & miKKoChristmas11, Mrs. Packrat found your suggestions quite amusing, as I did. I just wish she was as amused with me as she is with all of you.
      As Spock would say "It was the logical thing to do."
    7. Trey Trey, 12 years ago
      Knowledge is wealth and power, and you have a ton of it great find.
    8. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      Trey, Well, sir, I read a lot, however, I am not sure of the results, I am still broke and nobody listens to me! :-) Thank you very much.
      BELLIN68, I am glad I can be the source for constant amusement! Mrs. Packrat honestly is not as amused as you are, she cannot open her washing machine door all the way at the present time.
    9. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Hi, packrat! Looks like you need some help here. First Officer Mr. Spock has some words of wisdom. 1.) You could put these in your bedroom. This would work well if Mrs. packrat purchased a small cot and you slept on the couch. Don't fret, you would manage to build that deluxe, recommended HUGE garage in a flash, and if you didn't get it done quickly, your manuals could rest on the couch while you slept on the driveway. 2.) Mrs. packrat could spray herself and the washer door with WD-40. Even if she couldn't thereby open the washer door, this might allow her to open her car door. If that doesn't work, you could build a new utility room - ONCE AGAIN, I RECOMMEND "HUGE" SIZE. You could always sleep there in a pinch. Did you say "pinch"? Try WD-40. Miracle product. 3.) Mrs. packrat could find a new husband. Now, packrat, let's apply order and method to the problem, and keep busy. My SAS Survival Manual advises that when faced with an impossible situation one should stay busy. For your first activity, I suggest that you buy two dozen red roses for Mrs. packrat. Whatever course of action you adopt, remain calm, and know in your heart that you have only been provident-providing for the safety of Mrs. packrat in the next big war. You are just way ahead of your time. Hopefully, she'll come around soon.
    10. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      You, sir, are a master of ingenuous and forward thinking, I will run these by the Mrs.
      Way ahead of my time, yes, I have always considered myself a trendsetter!
      The possibilities here are endless, I see a large new movement on the horizon.
    11. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Mr. Spock said that you're most welcome, sir! He also said that the Enterprise is now in the repair dock, so you'll have to make your own escape if the situation escalates. (FYI, miKKo is a woman. My father named me after St. Michael the Archangel, whom I revere. No, he did not name my brother "Sue".) Look forward! New horizons for you in a new house, maybe a new planet, even!
    12. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Hello Pack !! I was in your Shoes one time about some Record Albums I stopped and saved from being picked up by the Dumpster Crew. There was about 35 in a cardboard box. When I made it home and Started looking them up, I got a Shock when I found One worth $400 00 !! I like unexpected Surprises. I think All Collectors have this Curiosity "Pre- Wired" in our Makeup. Bravo for Your Find my Friend !!!!
    13. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      Very sorry about the gender error. A new planet, I probably will not throw that one by the Mrs.
      musikchoo, I do know the feeling, I was "pre-wired" all right, I just am not sure what I am wired to!! My new find did not find a permanent home, it is "just passing through."
    14. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for their loves, support, and ideas as to how to deal with this mini-crisis. I ran your suggestions by the Mrs. and she has cataloged them for future need. As Musikchoo put it “we are pre-wired.” I ran that one by her also, not really well received.
      The Mrs. also let me know that from now on, if I am ever allowed to go to town unescorted again, she needs to be involved in the decision making process. As she put it, “this is why you have a cell phone, try to find 200 of something a little smaller next time.”
      FYI, as of today, I am out of the “dog house!” and life is almost back to normal.
    15. packrat-place packrat-place, 12 years ago
      Thank you very much Trey , adkmetalman , jbcollector & scandinavian_pieces.

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