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Arrowhead collection found at Goodwill

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    This past summer I came across a collection of aarowheads, a copper spearpoint and a knife at a Goodwill store...(see attached photo) There were 110 peices mounted in a 20" x 20" frame. I would really like to know just what I have found and possibly it's worth. I am willing to pay for an appraisal, but wanted you to see what I have and advise me if it worth persueing. Any information would be helpful, even if it is just a lead where to go for more information...and by the way I paid $3.00 for the collection

    Thank you for your time....

    Bob Przybylski

    Unsolved Mystery

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    Native American Arrowheads
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    1. Mindi, 14 years ago
      For some collectors it could be worth a good chunk of change, but in order to properly asses the value it is important to know the provenance and authenticity. When it comes to archaeological artifacts such as these it is important to know where they came from in order to attach it to a history, and to be able to figure out their approximate age. Might want to try to contact your state or local historical society or museums for more information. Definitely a cool find!
    2. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      U have HIT the Jackpot my friend....! Go to Email a pic to him & he will tell U more about these. He is the best! WOW....3 bucks!!!! Good eye, Bro....
    3. screima, 14 years ago
    4. nannah nannah, 14 years ago
    5. LauraJ27 LauraJ27, 14 years ago
      Wow! That is the mother load of arrow heads! I looove goodwill! :) Nice Find! I'm sure that collection is worth a bit of money! $3 - Can ya say, CHA-CHING! :D
    6. jeffbuckler jeffbuckler, 14 years ago
      Haha I don't mean to laugh but Man oh man! I been searching (here and there) for 20+ years only to find a fraction of what you have here. Awesome find. Bet someones peeed off somewhere.
    7. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      WoW !!!
    8. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      WOW! 3.00 what a deal you found. We sold a mans collection of arrowheads a few years ago at auction and those things went through the roof. We had an expert come in and identify and group them into lots. You have a real find there.

    9. Charlie J. Ray, 14 years ago
      Each arrowhead is worth $35 and spearheads go for anywhere from $150-$250. Looks like you got a big return for your $3 investment!

    10. YardSaleMama YardSaleMama, 14 years ago
      Amazing, I love finding arrowheads . You got a great deal and paying $3.00? Wow! Thanks for posting.
    11. inky inky, 13 years ago
      Oh! well done, how exiting for you!.....:-)....:-)
    12. napua333 napua333, 13 years ago
      WOW that would bring in good money in a Hawaii museum very nice thanks for sharing . GOOD FIND LOVE IT.

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