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Planters Nut Chopper

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Kitchen6464 of 8178My buddy's kitchenCookiejar 1930
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (3 items)

    My mom bought this for her mother for Mother's Day in 1955.

    It still has the original box and it was never used.

    Does anyone have any history they could share with me on this?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      Is the tin still full of peanuts ?
      The nut grinder lid on your Planters Peanuts can was a mail-away premium offer from Planters in the 1950s. It was meant to fit on the small 4-ounce can of peanuts. According to the directions in the original 1950 brochure, simply put the grinder on top of the opened can, tip the can upside down, turn the key handle, and chop as much or as little as you need. The design on your can was first used in 1938
    2. yellowjeep yellowjeep, 12 years ago
      I only have the shipping box and the nut grinder. Thank you for your comments as I did not know there was a brochure or anything else.

      It was never used just kept in the box.
    3. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      You just received the crusher which is correct for for the giveaway . I thought maybe you had a jar too :-) your mystery is solved . It was a 1950's Planters peanut grinder . I would think having box and all it is a nice collectible piece for advertising collectors . Thanks for sharing it and welcome to CW :-)

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