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Martin Brothers London & Southall 12" Pottery Bird w/ Removable Head

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    I found this item at a yard sale. The markings on the inside collar of the bird's head says, Martin Brothers London & Southall. Also, in the 4th image from the left, there is another marking that reads the same. His head is removable and he is hollow for storage of tobacco. I am wondering if anyone knows how much he might be worth, and if the signatures/markings look authentic. Any help regarding this item is appreciated. He does have a chip on the front top part of his body (neck area). Also, the stain on the bottom wooden base is worn in spots. Thank you, for any info that you might be able to give to me, regarding this item.

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    1. inky inky, 12 years ago
      As you say if original ....Wow! Soooooo! well done!!...I haven't got time to white any more but here is a link for you, sorry about the size of the second one!....:-),r:1,s:0,i:70&tx=115&ty=72

    2. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      If this is what it say it is, then it is worth an awful lot of money!!! Do get an expert's opinion, here in England we see them now and again on the Antiques Roadshow and they usually are valued very highly!
    3. ddpowers, 12 years ago
      Thank you for your help :)! I will check all three of the links that you have provided to me. I have heard that if one can auction/sell an antique item in the country in which it originated , this will yield a better profit. I wonder if this is true??
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Such finds are dreams made of.!

      The deliberately made Ugly things that now are beautiful (too some at least!)
      well worth it professionaly restored.
    5. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      note the Owl in photo

      The mind boggles!!!!!
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
    7. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Looking at what they bring I think New york is the place to sell them. The GFC may have lowered prices but it should buy a nice holiday or a car or two!!
    8. inky inky, 12 years ago
      The Martin brothers also signed each piece that was removable eg: the lid and the body as in your case, which makes me think yours is genuine..congratulations!...:-)
    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      This signature of London and Southall suggests 1879 to 1915. What worries me is the lack of an inscribed date on the piece. Lots of them even have day month and year. But not all! The quality of the modelling and the degree of 'ugliness' will determine the decision.
    10. ddpowers, 12 years ago
      @vetraio50: I am also concerned about the lack of a date on this piece. I received an email from a gal who specializes in Martin Bros. pottery. She told me that from what she could tell from the photos that I sent to her, that it is probable this is genuine. She wants me to FedEx the item to her, so that she can get a closer look (is this common?). She appears to have a legitimate business, buying and selling antiques. She says that she is the top dealer in Martin Bros pottery. I feel leery about doing this. I will just try to have this item authenticated in the U.S. Somewhere close enough that I can drive and see an appraiser.
    11. artislove artislove, 12 years ago
      super bird, dont let it fly away!
    12. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi ddpowers,
      Did she find you through C/W ? If so why does her comment to you not appear here?
    13. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      No, is the answer to that question.
      Take it to a reputable, large auction house if you want a valuation.
    14. ddpowers, 12 years ago
      Thank you, ozmarty, and vetraio50. The person who wanted me to send this item to her so that she could look at it, is someone that I contacted as a result of finding her web page. She is an antiques dealer. I certainly won't send it to anyone... I will take it in myself when I am able to find someone reputable to value it for me. Now, the trick is to figure out who ... :)). I will start doing research... I am not in a big hurry, so I'll take my time.
    15. ddpowers, 12 years ago
      Oh, another question. Does anyone know if the fact that the bird has a bald spot on his head, set him apart and make him more valuable? All of the other birds I have viewed online , do not seem to have this same feature.

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