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silver certificate

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US Silver Certificates34 of 37$10 N.Africa Silver CertificateU.S. Silver Certificate -- $1, 1935
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I have a silver certificate pre pearl harbor 1935A it has been signed by several men in the war who have had it as they were in different places in and countries in the war. i feel that as the bill being old and a silver certificate makes it worth much, but being signed by the men in the war as they served our country. makes it rare Kirk is my name. thanks,

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    1. Bootson Bootson, 14 years ago
      I don't know much about paper money but being a silver certificate makes it worth a little more. I'm sure condition is a big factor to folks who collect and your dollar looks like it's "been through the war".
      I too think what is written on the bill is the most interesting thing about it. Any real value the bill has will depend on what is written on it and this would be an excellent candidate for further research. You can do a Google search for "Short Snorter" and find some interesting info. A short snorter is a banknote which circulated during World War II upon which signatures were exchanged between those travelling together. Next you can try to find out as much as you can about the people who signed the bill. No doubt an interesting tale to be told.

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