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Inkwells204 of 209Rams Head Inkwellold inkwell
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (12 items)

    I'm not sure what i have here and looking for some input. I tried to take a picture of the only markings on it, the last picture. If you can't make it out it looks very similar to the Mitsubishi Motors company logo and its flanked by a Japanese symbol on each side. Thanks for anything you may have for me to start my research on.

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    1. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      I just refreshed this in hopes that some evening viewers may see it and send me in the right direction of finding out what it is and age.
    2. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      I'm still looking for any info on this piece. Nobody has a hint of what it is or approx age ?
    3. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      In the third picture the little round cup looks like a medical fire cup. They were placed on the body, heated, formed a suction, and supposedly helped heal. It was called "cupping". As for the rest of the piece, I have no clue! I could be totally wrong, but maybe you can do some research about cupping and it might help lead you in the right direction.
    4. renoir911 renoir911, 14 years ago
      Medical suction cups also known as a "ventouse". Possible, however I remember them to be less bulky and deeper. It would not include the base part shown here. Intereting article!
    5. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the 2 comments of help. Odd that you should bring up a medical item. The estate that it came from ,the owner was a Dr of Acupuncture. To me it looks like an ink well but maybe someone else can explain why it has the other part if it has anything to do with that profession. Its certainly not new glass. I'm not an expert in glass by no means but it is my observation that this glass is from the 1940's or earlier.
    6. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      Still lost as to what this may be. I have searched all types of antique medical sites and can't find this piece anywhere. But now i know its not an ink well and that makes sense from the last comment left. Would they have made a cupping device with a decorative holder ? That seems to be the least likely ending to me but i have run out of directions to go. The markings on the globe itself have told me nothing, i can't find that mark anywhere. The glass is certainly old and i guess i'll wait for the person to spot it that has one.
    7. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Read through this site. They might not have a picture of that mark, but they might have a description that matches it. Hope you find more info!
    8. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      Thanks tikiray for the thought. I have that site in my favorites and its not much help for this. Its a japanese or asian mark flanked by a kanji on each side. I've searched every asian glass mark site i could find as well. Looking at the glass i would guess it was made near 1920 but can't be positive. Outside of here i have looked on numerous sites and its still a mystery.
    9. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Well, at least you know you have a very uncommon piece! lol
    10. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      Very true and maybe commonly worthless.. lol
    11. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      LOL it's certainly not worthless.... for all you know it's a one of a kind!

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