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World War Two991 of 1517WWII Aircraft Reference Handbook from Middletown Air Depot Civilian Training Program An old card which dates back to those days when fathers had to leave their families and go to war...
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (136 items)

    Great WWII photo. Measures 8 X 10. Back of photo reads as follows:

    From: Public Relations Division
    U.S. Coast Guard
    Washington D.C.
    Credit Line Must Read: "OFFICIAL COAST GUARD PHOTO"


    Blood plasma is administered to save the lives of Marines on the beach of Fragil Island, Eniwetok Atoll. Later the wounded Americans were removed by Coast Guardsmen in landing barges to a Coast Guard-manned assault transport anchored off shore***

    This great photo speaks volumes. The young thin Marines, the M-1 Carbines, the concern over a Marine surrounded by other Marines & Corpsmen, as Marines in the back ground look on. The wounded marine in the foreground with an abdominal wound. The helmets with camo covers, some with just nets, some with camo covers and nets, and one Coast Guardsmen or Corpsman crouched at the foot of the other wounded marine in the back ground with what appears to be a large red X painted over the entire helmet.
    A moment captured in time. A piece of history forgotten by many, just a brief second in what must have been Hell on earth for these brave men....

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      What island is this?
    2. tlmbaran tlmbaran, 12 years ago
      Blunderbuss2: it is the Fragil Island, Eniwetok Atoll. Somewhere in the Pacific....

    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Eni-wha? Actually, I spent some time on research & it was all educational. Most of the vets. I knew as a kid were in the European theater & that is where my interests were founded & I have never developed an interest in the Pacific war. ,Just what I grew up with.

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