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Civil War Bone dice?

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Games971 of 1375DICE and more DICE!  with nice jar! from Garage Sale $5.00!!Black Ball Marble Set
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (173 items)

    I got this at an antique store today. I cannot confirm it's civil war era. I do know he had a lot of "civil war" relics in his booth and there were pics of excavations. So it's possible. They are made from bone...that part I know for sure.

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    1. southcop southcop, 10 years ago
      yeah I think it seems to be the case.
    2. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      Hard to date these. Bone dice were made long before and long after the Civil War.

      A Civil War connection usually adds premium pricing!

      I would also question the label of "DUG"-- don't think the bone would last long in the ground-- certainly not 100+ years!

    3. Jeff8059, 6 years ago
      Sure bone can last in the ground for hundreds of years depending on the acidity of the soil. I have personally found 1 of these digging on a civil war battlefield in NC.

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