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Mantel Clocks549 of 719Antique German 1950's Europa mantle clock. Fretwork Clock
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    We have had this clock for 40 plus years. On the back is a Seth Thomas paper label and also #102. It is a wind up clock and gongs at the hour and half hour. It looks like it was in a fire because the top has little pock marks, so I am assuming that the marblizing is plastic. I would like to know what it may be worth and what it is called.

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    1. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Here's a great link for you. The "plastic" you're reffering to is a product Seth Thomas called adamantine... Check out the link:
    2. VFH, 12 years ago
      Thank you both for the information. I am wondering about the side of the clock which does not have a lion but what looks like a woman's face with a hat.
    3. VFH, 12 years ago
      This clock has H0981 which I guess means it was made in August 1890. The womans face on the sides look like she has pearls around her neck and a helmet with wings. I have looked at a lot of clock pictures and can't find this particular clock.
    4. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      It looks like you may have the "Petral" model, but I can't see enough of the details to make a positive id. The side ornaments are the rarest of the three types I've seen. The lion with a ring in its mouth which is pretty much the standard; the stylized "Egyptian" lion holding a bar; and this "Valkyrie" style of side ornament. I'm not certain what Seth Thomas had in mind when they designed her. A very nice example of the Seth Thomas Adamantine Black Mantel Clock.
    5. VFH, 12 years ago
      I am unable to find information on a Valkyrie or Petral Seth Thomas. Where would I find pictures and information?
    6. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      The Petrel is clock number 1542 on page 467 of Tran Duy Ly's "Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements" Third Edition Volume 1.

      There was also one which sold on eBay in February of 2011
      Petral ca 1900 (page 467 $350 appraisal for mint original example)
      Ended: Feb 07, 201117:02:04 PST
      Winning bid: US $281.01 [3 bidders 3 bids ]
      Shipping: $25.00 Standard Shipping from outside US
      Item number: 270700348776

      It's no longer available online, but from the details I can see in your photos it looked very much like your clock except it had the lion heads with rings instead of what I call the Valkyries.

      Perhaps I wasn't clear when I mentioned that I'm not really certain what Seth Thomas actually had in mind when they designed the side ornaments used on your clock. I call them "Valkyries" after the female, winged-helmeted figures in Norse Mythology, but I have no reference that states definitively what Seth Thomas referred to them as. They are not that common.
    7. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      Here's a link to a Petral:

      You can compare that high resolution photo to yours, specifically the incised scrolled decorations and decide if that is your model. As I originally stated, I'm not certain that the Petral is what you have. It's the closest model I can find in my references.

      Good luck.
    8. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      Part of the problem may be that I've spelled "PETREL" which is the correct spelling, as "PETRAL" which is incorrect. Sorry about that.
    9. VFH, 12 years ago
      Thank you everyone!! Just some personal background. When I was a teenager and dating this clock would bong/chime and get me in trouble for coming home after curfew. I knew this would always be a special clock for me. ;)
    10. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      That's funny! There is a Gilbert antique clock model called the "Curfew". It has a large bell on top of the case. I imagine it "busted" many a young man or woman in its day! :) Here's a photo:
    11. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      That's too funny!!!

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