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Round Oak Stove

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Kitchen8002 of 8178milk glass sitting hen  WITH TRAYFlorin Foundry Standard 213 pot belly coal stove.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I don't know much about this - or how to go about getting its value. Need help

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    1. VintageTAKER54 VintageTAKER54, 14 years ago
      the numbers on top of the plate that says 18-0-3 is the year (1803). it was made by round oak witch is the first to make this type of model. its rare to come across one of this model.
      in the condition its in, it could be worth around $850-$1,275 dollers.
    2. Russ, 14 years ago
      the 18 is size of the barrel of the stove or stove body. o is the model o-3's where made in 1917 to 1920 ? P,D,Beckwith was born in 1825 in new york somebody's drinking to much coke. value, need better photo's no foot rail no smoke ring on swing cover or final. I bought D-20 in better shape $200.00 it is a nice stove, if there are no crack's, what's that thing on top? if that's part of a final more$$.
    3. VintageTAKER54 VintageTAKER54, 14 years ago
      i guess your right
    4. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Hay VintageTAKER54, U sure do like alot of stuff. Can U show us some of your collection?
    5. Jacki Whitelaw, 14 years ago
      I recently inherited a Round Oak stove/ Model # R4404ZT or #R44042T. Not sure of the second to last number/letter. It is in working condition. It is a 4 burner stove with the oven door that opens left to right. It is 19 1/2 " wide and 21 1/2 " deep. We are trying to determine the value of the stove. Can you be of any help to us?
    6. BRUCE WRIGHT, 14 years ago
      I recently obtained a round oak advertizing plate the has an indian on the front and reads round oak above him and on the back it reads round oak stove, range, and furnice, can you tell me any gues at valve you , i'am sorry i 'am out of town this week and left the plate at home or i would post a pic,
    7. Lila Anthony, 14 years ago
      I own a Round Oak, 18-0-3, in good shape (no rust, no cracks, but lacking the 'frills'). We still use it to heat with. Any idea what it is worth?
    8. hilltoolboy, 9 years ago
      I have around oak wood parlor stove, I need an inside bottom wood grate
      where can I locate a replacement?- the picture above is very close to what I have although not as old I think
      Thanks Adam

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