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1967 Plymouth Fury II 4 Door

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    1967 Plymouth Fury II
    Burgundy (red)
    4 Door
    26,900 Original Miles
    318 V8
    All Original, No Rust
    Interior Like New (No Cracks Or Tears)


    1. John, 14 years ago
      Nice ride....I own a 67 Newport 2 door. Lots of room and comfortable to drive. Hope you enjoy your purchase!!!
    2. toshiatanee, 14 years ago
      Does anyone know what it is worth? I am having a real hard time finding information on this year.
    3. jackofalltrades, 14 years ago
      Nice old car , Not particularly valuable as its a grandma sort of a ride . Still , If you didn't pay too much it could be a cheap, fun, comfortable , car to own for long time . I would say value is between 2500 to 4500 bucks .
    4. toshiatanee, 14 years ago
      I have heard it is worth way more than that. Was just wondering if anyone else knew anything.
    5. Steve, 14 years ago
      They are nice old cars, however it is not much more than 3000-4000. Plus that is if you find someone that has that as disposable cash that really wants an old 4dr, with only a small v-8. If someone tells you more than that, ask for the cash and reinvest it in a two door or something with a big block. Like others have said if you bought it cheap and enjoy the car it does not matter what it is worth to anyone else. If you paid more than that, chalk it up to a life lesson and keep it awhile and drive it. Rember just because it' old does not make it valuable, even if it is in fantastic condition. :)
    6. tommy1002 tommy1002, 14 years ago
      tosh.. go to you should find the specs for it . if it's a " vip" it's one of about 10,000, if it's a standard II then it's 1 of about 45,000 . Might help with $$ but either way, I'd put it in my garage!!!!
    7. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      I love the old MoPars and this one is pretty but I'm afraid that jack was right, 4 doors just don't hold value that well.....I sold a '67 Fury III Convert about 5 years ago in good condition and only got $4500.00 at auction........good luck. I say enjoy it and go to local shows maybe someone will lust for it and make you rich (NOT) lol

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