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RS Prussia vases, marked "Royal Vienna/Germany" ca. 1904

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Transferware138 of 153----Old 1850's China Plater----A BEAUTIFUL  PORCELAIN CONTAINER
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (18 items)

    RS Prussia created a line of high end porcelain that is marked "Royal Vienna/Germany", shown with a 5 pointed crown. These items, such as vases, ewers, bowls, etc., are often gilt with brushed gold, tifffany or royal purple finishes. Portraits on the 3 vases that are shown are: Anna Potocka (Polish noblewoman), Mdm. Recamier (French courtesan), and Mdm. Elisabeth Marie Vigee Lebrun, famous French portrait artist. For more info, see and join Facebook RS Prussia page.

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