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Kralik Helios and the Poschinger variant - I think!

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (47 items)

    I have just posted my new Kralik Helios (at least I think that's what it is). 6 months ago, the knowledgable on CW (as opposed to ignorant dabblers like me) tried to explain to me the difference between Helios, and the Poschinger variant. When it comes to glass, I am not the brightest, but now I definitely get it - I think. So, in case there are any others out there who struggle like me, I thought I'd put them together - my glass, the experts' explanations.
    Apologies to all those for whom this is basic stuff and old news! I just hope I've got it right ...
    First - the colours in the Kralik are much stronger, much more citrus, than the Poschinger.
    Second - the Poshinger glows, whereas despite looking like it should, the Kralik doesn't - see picture 2.
    Third - the spots on the Poschinger are linear, even pulled up, whereas the Kralik spots are rounder and they swirl - indeed on my example you can clearly see the tool marks where the swirls were created at the widest part of the vase.
    Additions and corrections gratefully received. Have I finally got it right this time?

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    1. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Thank you Londonloet this is great!...:-)
    2. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Glad you approve, Inky! Thank you.
      I'm still waiting for someone to correct me, though. I can't really have got something right - surely!
    3. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thank you for the loves, Gary, Dave, Vetraio50, Austro, Dasullywon & LoetzBuddies.
    4. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Indeed, Al - point 2, and picture 2. I do listen when you tell me things!
      Thanks also to Obscurities, KS85, Mac63 and Petey.
    5. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thank you, Leah, Justanovice and MacArt!
    6. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thanks, Pawis & STG!
    7. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thank you, Beyemvey.
    8. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thank you, Mike & Debbie!
    9. Londonloetzlearner Londonloetzlearner, 12 years ago
      Thank you, JayHow.

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