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Question on getting a sign

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (21 items)

    I'm Interested in getting this sign but I have never bought a sign this big. It is a 3 foot by 6 foot sign. It has the original wood frame around it and is dated 1940 by MCA. I Have no idea how much a sign that big is valued at? Any help would be great!!! Thanks!!

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    1. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      That sign is in good shape, and will clean-up a lot more.Having the orig. wood frame is also a bonus. I would guestimate it would retail for $600. I'd be a buyer at $200-300 on a good day.
    2. jameyrd jameyrd, 12 years ago
      I have a similar one posted that is 24 x 60. Great piece!
    3. y3k65 y3k65, 12 years ago
      Okay the guy wants almost what you said the retail value is of it. Its a cool sign though. Thanks for the info!!
    4. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      Time for negotiation! The seller would likely not be able to sell this on-line, as the shipping would be prohibitive due to size. On-line comm. starts at 10% plus listing fees. An auction house charges 20-30%. Consignment runs 25-40% comm.
      Unless the seller has a retail operation, with all the on-going expenses assocciated, he might be better off to take a reasonable offer from a serious buyer.I'd use these selling fees as a negotiating tool to help get the seller to realize what a fair offer looks like, and why.
    5. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 12 years ago
      That's good advice, right there.
    6. y3k65 y3k65, 12 years ago
      I just tried your advise but the guy told me he deals signs. So that make sense why he is selling it for almost retail. He doesn't sound like he will go down on price to much. I told him what I thought it was worth but he would not take that. I might just let it go seeing I don't know how much the sign will actually clean up. Do you think I it would be worth it at $400? I offered him a lower amount before.
    7. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      You'd be amazed how much that sign would clean up. You would'nt be paying too much @$400 IMO! It's a nice sign, and if you have a spot for it, it's not one you see everyday in that size/cond.
      I'd like to own it!
    8. y3k65 y3k65, 12 years ago
      okay so I got the sign. What would be the best thing to clean it with? It has little black dots all over the sign and they won't come off with the cleaner that I used.
    9. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 12 years ago
      Congrats, that's a nice one, I'd be happy to own it too. earlycoke gave me this advice about cleaning up/polishing signs, and it's worked well for me:

      "The two things I use on these are a nice Meguiars auto polish, or Semichrome polish, and rub it on with an old fashioned soft cotton diaper. Always try in a small area first to make sure the paint is stable."
    10. y3k65 y3k65, 12 years ago
      Thanks Daddy_nobucks. I have tried that but it did not get the brown off of what is suppose to be white.
    11. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      I've said it before on here, but my "secret" weapon for cleaning these types of signs is a marine boat-hull cleaner,avail. at any marine type store. It is a mild acid that won't hurt the paint, but cuts through years of oxidization in no time.
      Afterwards, use a marine wax, or I like to apply a gloss clear-coat . I would also re-paint the silver frame using aluminum color.
    12. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Great sign y3k! No big deal if it doesn't come clean, the original paint is still there and that's all that matters.
    13. y3k65 y3k65, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the tip pickrknows!!! I will have to give that a try. Signaholic thanks for the comment!!!

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