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Nichol Kola Embossed 10"x 14" Tacker sign 1950's ?

In Signs > Soda Signs (non Coca-Cola) > Show & Tell and Signs > Tin Signs > Show & Tell.
Soda Signs (non Coca-Cola)271 of 455A tin sign I found on a barn project dated about 100 yrs agoOne Mor Soda Sign
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (230 items)

    I just got this off E-Bay on a "make offer" type deal. It's 10"x 14" Embossed Tacker sign and say's A-126 and made by "The Parker Metal Dec. Co. Balto. Md." No Date on it. I thought it would clean up better but the paper thats stuck too it did damage to the paint and stained it. I used hot water and nylon brush but the paint that was damaged started coming off, so I quit. I'm dissapointed that it didnt clean up better but we learn as we go, I still like it. enjoy.

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    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 12 years ago
      Thanks walksoftly and officialfuel for checking this out and the' love it'
    2. EJW-54 EJW-54, 12 years ago
      thanks sanhardin, ttomtucker and PhilDavidAlexanderMorris
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Hey I've seen this sign before! Nice ED

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