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Lufkin L Ruler

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This is a Lufkin #8237 6" L ruler, sood with brass fittings. I'm trying to find out when it was made. I'm guessing the original owner, Bill Grobovich put his name on it and the date 2/25/1947. If anyone has any info I'd appreciate learning about it.

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    1. Lee Sayer, 14 years ago
      lobsterita : I have one just the same as the photo,I also have a catalog no.7 from Lufkin Rule on Precision Tools dated 1947.Does not have any info on the one you have shown but it does state that catalog no.12-c includes all items manafactured by Lufkin Rule.Watch ebay every once in a while I see the catalogs listed.The ones I see listed are under Saginaw,Michigan but would guess under Lufkin Rule should produce the same results.Sorry couldn't be of more help.My Father-in -law worked at Lufkin Rule for about 35 years,I have many of the tape measures,folding wood and metal rulers along with a lot of fond memories.
    2. lobsterita, 14 years ago
      Hi, thanks for the information. I'm watching ebay also and surfing the net. I found this in my Mom's sewing desk when closing out her house, thought it was neat and kept it. My husband is a woodworker and collects vintage and antique hand tools so I love to research them. Will keep looking.

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