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Bohemian Art Glass6297 of 6907Two Moser Salamanders - Legitimate or Not?Loetz Creta Treetrunk -I think
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (123 items)

    1. Regenhutte ( Bavarian side of the boarder) looked like they just walked away ..Noticed that the rear was starting to collapse .
    2. Villa Von Spaun - Klostermühle - the main house survives as a private residence .. the factory long gone . Note the streets are paved with shards! Loetz
    3. Lenora - Czech Republic - home of Kralik.. now empty.
    it too looks like they just walked away.

    I can recommend a long holiday in the region (I'll come too!! ) it is so lovely.

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    1. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      I know I want to go back :) did you get a bag of shards from Loetz?
    2. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi Belin merryXmas to you too!
    3. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      GSN just a small handfull . and one large blob from the bottom of the kiln that we left in Bayerischer Eisenstien at our gesthouse as they had a small collection from the differnt huttes in the area,
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi Obscurities , that sounds like a great idea. we would love to go again did not spend enough time there only a week . Jude just retired but we have aged parents so do not want to go too far.. perhaps the US next year to see some glass ???
    5. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      what kind of glass do you want to see in the US? I guess the east coast has some great museums. I'd go to France CZ Austria Germany or England before the east coast museums though (if I had the choice)
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Besides NY museums .. perhaps a Glassshound or twos collection not to mention all those great fairs all of you find such yummmy pieces at.....
    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Great photos ozmarty!...:-)
    8. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Was it a question of ethnicity?
    9. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      reminds me of when i was in romania on a business trip in the 90s -- their capital -- like our white house had goats grazing on the front lawn and curtains blowing out the windows -- no money to air condition -- ice was a premium

      large shopping malls 3 & 4 stories high sat vacant -- i often think if we do not get our act together this will be our future

      thanks for sharing the pics & experience
    10. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi Bellin it is a cold morning here and it suppose to be Summer . Am I correct to think your name is Sean???
    11. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi epson233
      A lot of the old eastern part of Germany is like that as well villages and even large towns quite deserted and run down .. empty .the people gone west ... looking for a better ( more rewarding $$ wise ) future.
    12. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      very interesting on the nationalization of these countries and where the original owners got screwed -- ditto in romania with many of the families -- i swear i hope i never get tested in that type of situation -- would fail terribly
    13. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi PDAM just noticed your posting ..
      Cheap Chinese and other glass has put many a small Hutte out of action also some very big ones who now get theirs made in Poland or Asia...
    14. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Fantastic Ozmarty.
      What a great homage, and reason for a holiday:)
      It looks a beautiful area, very unspoilt and un developed.
      Its nice to see some of the factories have survived.
      Weird how they've just been left like that and abandoned.
    15. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      What interesting the post and comments

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