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1887 Royal Worcester England Pitcher "TUSK ICE JUG" were 7 different sizes!

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (728 items)

    See Hallmark and there is a "Y" which means 1887! I bought this for $10 at Redwood Gospel Thrift Store, They do so much to help people, with huge Thanksgiving day Feast for Homeless and people that are down on their luck, and also free haircuts, etc. I buy a lot from them and also donate to them. I got a lot of sterling silver but now they check better, and I am happy they do! This pitcher is 10 1/2" tall. I do not know what the red squiggly mark is? Is squiggly a word?haha maybe artist signature? This Co. did excellent job with marking their pieces!! Thanks for looking!!
    the addition
    of the words ‘ROYAL WORCESTER ENGLAND’.
    1892 One dot
    1893 Two dots
    1894 Three dots

    1892 1899 1901 1912
    This system
    continued until 1915
    when 24 dots are
    arranged around the
    From 1867 a letter system was also used to
    indicate the year of manufacture. From 1876
    the crown sits down to fit the circle.
    A = 1867 K = 1875 U = 1883
    B = 1868 L = 1876 V = 1884
    C = 1869 M = 1877 W = 1885
    D = 1870 N = 1878 X = 1886
    E = 1871 P = 1879 Y = 1887
    G = 1872 R = 1880 Z = 1888
    H = 1873 S = 1881 O = 1889
    I = 1874 T = 1882 a = 1890

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    1. toracat toracat, 12 years ago
      Kind of rustic look with antler handle, yet pretty!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      It's a beauty, toracat!
    3. petunialuvur petunialuvur, 12 years ago

      Fantastic tusk jug and what a deal!! I believe your squiggly mark is a James Hadley initial. I have noticed that his initial mark is sometimes a flambouyant swirl and sometimes a subdued squiggle as seen here. At one time James Hadley sold all of his works to Royal Worcester and scribed his initial on the base of the master pieces.

    4. toracat toracat, 12 years ago
      Thank you! petunialuvur! I will write this down and keep in the tusk jug! Again thanks!
    5. toracat toracat, 12 years ago
      petunialuvur thanks again! my email is I was wondering how many sizes they made of these tusk mugs, I think I read a giant one was made for a fair in US? Another time I read they made 3-4 different sizes of each model? I am trying to learn a little! And you seem to know a lot! Thanks again!!

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