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Pencil Drawing -- Help with Identifing Artist

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (73 items)

    i was just on MarobQueen's site and her drawings of the horse inspired me to list my quest to find out info on this drawing -- i purchased it on ebay about 5 years ago for $21 -- this is what i think i know or surmise

    done in the 1980s by the artisan Brumfield -- i suspect it was a pencil drawing probably done for a state fair project -- the artist i believe from what i learned from the seller was from Connecticut or that is where she purchased it from an estate sale

    what i surmise is the child's name is bonnie -- but spelled bohnae and looks to be of African descent -- perhaps a slave owner's "property" -- but the hair style and texture appears more Caucasian -- perhaps bohnae is ma lotto (sp?)

    any input will be appreciated -- i did check the telephone directories in the area for the brumfields in the state of Connecticut-- called several numbers and sent emails of the pic -- no one recognized it or the artist

    not even sure where to place it for collector's weekly -- it is not a poster or a print -- it is an original pencil drawing

    thanks for looking

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    1. MarobeQueen, 12 years ago
      Hello Epson, I love your picture. To me the girl looks to be Mexican or Native American and the horse appears to be a mustang or maybe appaloosa.
      Good Hunting :)
    2. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      thanks for taking a peak -- looks like january will be time spent at the library with iliad -- happy holidays
    3. chinablue chinablue, 12 years ago
      I like this sketch a lot. I see hard work and strength in it. For what it's worth, the horse in the sketch seems to be a draft/work horse. The way the straps on the bridle go across the face and seem to go upward to meet between the eyes. It is similar to the one seen in the link below. They are quite different from other types of bridles.
    4. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      i totally agree chinablue -- it could be a draft horse -- but in this drawing the reins are double off the snaffle bit -- so that tells me when this pic was done -- that horse probably had a rider sitting on it -- if there were no reins then the horse would be ready to pull -- military/calvary used this style of bridle on their horses also with the nose band connected to a piece that went up the center of the face just as the link shows -- i keep picturing either the slave owner or "general" sitting on that horse with the little girl holding the reins and that in someway she is special to him --

      her hair texture keeps me in mind that she has Caucasian DNA somewhere in those little veins of hers and the hair style itself -- sure does not remind me of Afro styling -- she is a puzzle -- of course aren't we all -- my art teacher always said if a picture can keep capturing your imagination through the years -- it is a true work of art and for me this picture works

      i sure appreciate you taking the time to share and providing the link -- have studied the link many times today

      thanks chinablue -- your a doll -- have a great week

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