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Metal Decorative Lovers ?????

All items191407 of 245666Testors Sprite carUnusual 1910 dated family portrait
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (50 items)

    This piece measures about 3 3/4 inches in circumference.
    I love it for its detail. Everytime I look at it I see something new.
    Hope you enjoy.
    Btw,,,does anyone actually knw what it is????

    Mystery Solved


    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      I think it is a German plated pin dish. It may also be Dutch. There is some metal showing through on the man's arm with wear over the years. The decoration is Renaissance revival similar to the pottery decorative tecnique called Raffaellesco. It could be late nineteenth century.
    2. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Thanks Vetraio for the love and the great information.
      I think it is very artistic and thought it was pretty old.
      I found this little unusual gem at my local thrift shop last week for 1.99.
      I love finding older items,,,its the old soul in me. Thanks again
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      A bargain!
    4. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Mustang Tony
      Thanks for the love
    5. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 12 years ago
      I see a walking lion there in the fretwork on picture #2. Might be sterling.
    6. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Fossil Hunter,,, I cannot see the lion but I did spot some other shapes that look like deer and some additional faces. Now I hope you tell me where you see the lion.. Thanks for looking. It is such a cool piece.
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      fossilhunter is indeed correct. I can now see the lion in the second photo. There is also a key there as well. So it is silver and as I thought it is Dutch. The key means tha it was made for export.

      The lion is just to the left of the figure of Love with bow and arrow.
    8. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Thanks Vetraio and Fossil Hunter,,,,WOW when you know where it is it actually jumps out at you in the picture. O the item ,,,the entire lion and key is about 1 /32 of an inch large. Amazing stuff Thanks again.
    9. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      The Lion and Key are Standing out more in the Fourth Photo. Toward the bottom left. Do you see them ?
    10. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      I do see them in the 4th photo as well. Very Tiny marks.
      Silvermarks are interesting on the older things.. Lion facing left is British,,,facing right it is Dutch. One key is for export,,,2 keys means it actually came back to its original nation of origin. Very nice information. Thanks all.
    11. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the comment and the love. Truly appreciated and glad you love it.
    12. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 12 years ago
      I have a little rule when it comes to anything silver or silver looking, and that is to search for hallmarks. Most of the time I wear my disgust on my face when I put an item back The part of the mans arm that looks like the plating has worn off appearing to be brass is typical in some older silver I've found. A light buff with a soft cloth is sometimes needed to be sure. I studied the photo of the bottom looking for marks. I was surprised to see the hallmarks on the face and so bold as well. Great purchase for 2 bucks!
    13. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      I have been staring at the actual piece with a magnifying glass and can't see the things you can. I will check out some other photos I have and I can enlarge it up to 400x ,,then maybe I can see it. Thanks for your comments. It just enables me to continue my search for the Holy Grail.Hahahahaa . Hey can you put a year made on this thing? Just curious,,,so I can brag to my friends and family.
    14. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 12 years ago
      Sorry I can't put a year on it. To be honest I overlooked the key when I first posted my response. lol It's hard with pictures sometimes.
    15. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love sandpiper and Bellin
    16. clockerman clockerman, 12 years ago
      I have now found the mark on the reverse side also. It is amazing. Thanks for the information. I have had alot of fun wirh this item. Thanks again all
    17. rlwindle rlwindle, 11 years ago
      Love this piece, and the primitive look of the characters (lovers and cupid) in the center. I would get this appraised, or take it to a museum and have them look at it. Great piece, great find, and a really great price.
    18. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      so much great info here ............
    19. clockerman clockerman, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the love and the comments.
    20. clockerman clockerman, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the love Sean. still one of my favorite finds.
    21. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Th for the love dlpeterson
    22. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the love and stopping by MrsTyndall

    23. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      As far as purpose of this lovely openwork silver item, I think it is a lid for a jar, pot pourrie, hair pins , trinkets, or something of the sort. Wonderful find.
    24. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Many thanks for stopping by and for the love
    25. clockerman clockerman, 3 years ago
      Thanks for the love VCal
      One of my favorite finds
    26. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Happy New Year clockerman, have a wonderful day today & great year ahead

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