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Art Deco Marcasite, Enamel, Onyx and Coral Earrings and Brooch

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Art Deco Jewelry350 of 412Pools of Light Necklaces and Earrings  ( Or Ignorance ain't bliss )Saphiret Vintage Big Czech Brooch
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (60 items)

    This is a set I sold on eBay a year and a half to two years ago. When I had purchased it, I thought I paid a lot for it. But, I thought it was a great investment, especially because it was a marked Fahrner set. When I needed some money I took it to a buyer. You know the ones you see in the paper saying the pay the highest prices for your art deco jewelry. Well I drove downtown with a number of antique gold and silver pieces including the above. He offered me $30.00 for the set. I had told him I had paid 10 times that for it. He said "Not my problem". I thought it was worth at least $500.00. No Deal. So reluctantly I put it on eBay starting bid $499.00. Within one day it had a bid. By the end of the week it was double that and then some. Needless to say I don't recommend selling to any reputable buyers without trying to figure out the value before selling. Do I regret selling it? Yes, a little.

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    1. vintagejewel vintagejewel, 12 years ago
      That guy was trying to rip you off ! Thirty dollars what a joke
    2. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Very beautiful TamaraB, I'll keep your advise in mind!
    3. TamaraB TamaraB, 12 years ago
      I don't know if the man was trying to rip me off. But it did seem he was not very knowledgeable about the value of Fahrner's. I only sold him two pieces of jewelry and he paid full scrap value for them. They were not by any means scrap, but I didn't want to sell them myself and I made a good percentage more than what I paid for them. And he paid cash. So it's all good. But I really wanted to walk back in and tell him he was a fool not to buy this set from me. But I didn't.
    4. wolcott1 wolcott1, 12 years ago
      Well done Tamara! Beautiful set.
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
    6. kyratango kyratango, 11 years ago
      Sad story ending well ;-)
      Most of professionnal "smell" when you sell in need...
      On the other part, some of them don't have any clue of the value of things!!!
      They would better be peanuts sellers, LOL.
      You're right! Always try to figure the real value of what you need to sell
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      I said the same to a seller on kijiji when I wanted to buy sherman pieces. I told them on the phone that I usually paid 100 starting for a necklace over the phone. She was just testing me I believe. Some of the poorest Sherman would start at 100 but the poorest Sherman is not worth a hundred.

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