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Typeset tray shadow box

All items191174 of 245666Frankoma Rams Head Vase, #38Freemason Old Blackballing Secret Voting Box!
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (38 items)

    I was helping a neighbor out in their move, and this tray was with the scrap wood. Naturally I snatched it up and in the period of a couple hours, I managed to overfill it...LOL. I soo Love the smalls. When I am at the swapmeets and see the trays under glass, I scour them looking for little treasures. There is a little bit of everything in this from an 80 million year old fish, to trinkets more recent. Some cubbies are filled with fond memories of family and friends, and some are just neat stuff picked up along the way. ;) I may do other posts breaking it down so it is easier to see and explain the contents, and also so I don't have to do individual posts. And also I'll let the CW "Powers that Be" classify this one too! :D


    1. filmnet filmnet, 12 years ago
      Picture 2 to right of Butterfly, is that white/yellow whale bone pieces or large teeth? they are standing vertical?
    2. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 12 years ago
      Thank you, everyone, the loves.
      @ filmnet, the pendant is a piece of ivory with bone beads. I picked it up at a yardsale in Wa. state. I'll do a post for that.

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