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Cricket House! JIMINY CRICKET!!! Chinese Sea Shell carved,Silver Top 3 1/2 inch long

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (728 items)

    "Then come the snows of time. Are they not due?
    Is man of adamant he should outlast
    The giants of the grove? Yet after all
    Who is it that saps his strength save man alone?
    Tell me, O boy, by what imagined right
    Man doth accuse his Autumn blast?" My boy
    Slumbered and answered not. The cricket gave
    The only answer to my song of death Chinese Poem Hi, My first cricket house! Paid $30.00 online auction, This spring I will catch a cricket and have a singing pet!!! My friend has gourds and will make house for him!! Chinese use gourds for main house as acoustics are good for singing!! They have done this for over 2000 years! They also have fighting crickets and bet on them. In Shanghai there are over 20 cricket markets! In 1999 a fighting cricket named "King of the Insects" sold for 100,000 yuan or $12,000! In the spring and summer they sing beautiful songs!! Some Chinese feed special diets so they sing better!! SERVING their food on miniature porcelain plates!!! BUT late in fall impending death is coming and they sing of loneliness and loss, and sadness, The Chinese say this song is: "PITY FOR THE FATE OF MANKIND" My cricket house is used to take your pet for a walk!! Or to fight!! I will hook sterling silver chain onto it! Thanks for looking!

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Neat & very interesting. As interesting as anything I have seen on Discovery lately.
    2. toracat toracat, 12 years ago
      Thank you! I have had fun researching crickets!!
    3. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      neat story -- thanks for sharing -- now what a cricket house looks like -- what do they serve those little critter when they feed them on the porcelain plates
    4. toracat toracat, 12 years ago
      They like fruit to get water, if you put a dish in for water they will drown.
      they like all vegetables, rice, cereal, lettuce they really like, the internet says this. Some cricket houses go for a lot at major auction houses.

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