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Circa 1919 Corey Fire Hydrant

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1012 items)

    These are 4 views of a 1919 era Corey fire hydrant. This item is located presently in an abandoned rail yard near my home. I have recently sought permission to remove this item for my personal collection, of which I am awaiting a reply.

    This would look really nice cleaned up, and possibly returned to its original color.

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    1. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      Thank you ttomtucker, and mustangtony. I'm really hoping that permission will be granted to acquire this hydrant. It'll be a neat project to work on during the Winter!
    2. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      Thank you, blunderbuss2, glad to see that you love this neat fire hydrant!!!
    3. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      PhilDavidAlexanderMorris: thanks for your love on this old hydrant!!!
    4. Stonie Stonie, 12 years ago
      I have one just like it on my page, it now rests in my back yard and is a heavy beast with about 4 feet of pipe below it.
    5. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      Thank you, Stonie, for your love of this item, and for your comment, too! I have left a comment on your page, re: your Corey Hydrant....
    6. Stonie Stonie, 12 years ago
      Thanks Ted
    7. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      You are very welcome, my friend!
    8. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 12 years ago
      Thank you all for your loves and interest in these hydrant photos!
    9. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      Did you ever manage to acquire it, Ted??

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