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Kralik bowl with label

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Bohemian Art Glass6034 of 6681Welz or Kralik ?Kralik - Cameo Types #3 - De Kralik
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (136 items)

    I don't know if this is noteworthy, but thought I would pass on the picture of this piece with the original label. Probably the importers is my guess since it is in English. It is hard to read in the picture but says: "Bestmaid REG US PAT OFF". Not very illuminating to me, but maybe someone is interested. Bowl is about 8 inches wide and 4 1/2 high. Label is about an inch long and 3/4 inch tall.

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Perfect! Knowing a label helps so much, tanks!
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Or thanks...spell check got me again!
    3. fishiowa fishiowa, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the info. I was really surprised to see the label. it is so obvioius, I would expect most people to take it off first thing. This piece was used, it has a couple chips on the inside of the rim. I love it all the same.
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Hi fishiowa! I was just wondering if this has the curved "Czechoslovakia" mark?

      I can just see in the second photo "Czechoslov ___".
    5. fishiowa fishiowa, 12 years ago
      Hi Vetraio50: it is indeed curved, and large. it is about 2 inches long altogether.
    6. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      Dave, I was curious if it would be OK to copy and use your image of this bowl in another post on CW and also for my website? Thanks.
    7. fishiowa fishiowa, 10 years ago
      Hi welzebub: Feel free to use the photo. I hope these photos will do, but unfortunately I sold the piece and can't take another.
    8. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      These are fine...

      Thanks, Craig

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