Posted 12 years ago
(136 items)
I've searched nd searched the different wonderful sites for help in identifying this piece, and found some that look close to me, b;ut nothing that makes me sure. Can someone point me in the right direction? I bought this a few years ago on a trip and thought it too beautiful to leave behind. While I've always thought Czech/Bohemian, I'd love to know who the maker was. The white spot on the bootom is a piecce of stubborn tape that I hesitate to pick at. Thanks.
Thanks for the loves. I was leaning to Kralik, but icking out the pattern can be tough for a novice like me. The threading is a little more intense than other pieces I have seen.
Put naptha(lighter fluid) or any similar solvent on it, wait a few minutes & it will come right off.
Thanks for the tip. I've used that iin the past, but have forgotten all about it.