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Moser enameled Tyg (3 handled mug)

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell and Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass6258 of 6914Kralik - Cameo Type #4Val St Lambert cut to vaseline finger bowls
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (88 items)

    This is a collection of tygs made by Moser. There is a pair or blue and vaseline cups, an amethyst and vaseline cup and a small toothpick sized rubina verde mug.

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    1. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      Are these marked Moser?
    2. vaselinealley vaselinealley, 12 years ago
      They are not. I based the info off another collectors attribution. If not Moser do you have thoughts on other potential makers?
    3. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      This type of glass isn't really something that was unique to or especially associated with Moser. In fact I didn't see a single thing like this in the museums over there attrib to Moser. They did do some glass with simpler enamel.. but the coloring and the shape isn't a marker of Moser IMHO. Moser is one of those company names that everyone knows and I think they tend to get a little more attributed to them then they deserve. If I saw an identical piece to any of these with a signature I'd believe it. But in this time period Moser would have been buying the blanks from other glass houses (mainly Harrach I believe) and then decorating it themselves for resale. If these were in my collection and I was trying to attribute them I think I'd go with Bohemian late 1800s and probably not narrow it down any further than that unless I happened to see an identical marked piece. Sometimes you can get a better idea from the enamel who might have done it but these are very simple and were probably mass produced. (or as mass produced as things got in 1890 :) ) there were literally thousands of now forgotten tiny refineries who'd decorate blanks for resale for the distributors.
      The largest seller of blanks was Harrach. But, It is very possible that all of these came from different glass houses.

      In comparison look at the quality of design on your Karlsbad piece. It's pretty darned nice. The blank is pretty top notch.. again this is probably from the period when Harrach was making blanks for Moser, but maybe not. Moser started making their own glass in 1895, I'd guess that one was probably 1870-1910 somewhere in that range) I think Moser is probably a very decent bet for that piece even if unmarked. Just going on quality of both the blank and the decoration and the fact that it's a tourist piece from Karlsbad. The historamus style was done by a number of top glass houses in Bohemia though. So it's also not impossible that one of the many little spa shops had glass from other makers than just the local one for resale. I know they do now.

      as always I'll end this with the caveat that this is, In my humble opinion and your mileage my vary :)
    4. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 12 years ago
      Wonderful Set, the Hand Painted designs I assume, are Beautiful and Elegant which can also be said about the Lovely Handles!

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