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more images of Bohemian vase which is missing a collar & lamp with unknown mark.

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Recent Activity270 of 437Dare I say Kralik made these shades?Bohemian 3 & 1/4 inch fitter shades.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (30 items)

    The first two images are connected to my previous post. The third image is of a little lamp which is ideal for showing off any Deco 3 & 1/4 shade. The base is black glass. It is shown here with the original shade which has a fitter with threads. The base also does but it can still be used for shades without threads. The thing which made me add this lamp, is that when I was shooting I some how got a good image of the mark on the lamp base. :o) So of course I had to put it up and see if any of you know this mark.
    Thank you.

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    1. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 12 years ago
      Thank you for the love, Vetraio, Czechman, Ks, Ozmarty, Inky and Obscurities. I appreciate your having taken the time to look.
    2. JohannB JohannB, 12 years ago
      Hi Lisa, you might find this info helpful:
      F.L. ……………….Frederick Lorenz & Co, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This mark (and “F. L. & Co.”) was listed by Rhea Mansfield Knittle in Early American Glass (1927:441;444). Some sources give the dates 1819-1840 for the use of one or both of these marks. Knittle notes that “F.L.& CO.” appears on a Union-Clasped Hands pictorial flask, but McKearin & Wilson (1978:651) show that the mark as “L.F.& Co”. In any case that flask would certainly date from the 1860s or 1870s. See “F R L”.

      I found this at
      Whether or not this is the same Company, I do not know, but it may be a start.
      Nice stuff!
    3. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 12 years ago
      Thank you Johann. I did see Frederick Lorenz and Co. in Ivo's Glass Fact file but there it lists them as just bottle makers. The initials work though don't they. In Monogram style it is the surname that has the center place isn't it?
      Do you know if Tiffin used a screw base ever? They did use black glass bases didn't they? I thought the shade looked far more European than American but I may be way off there. The more we learn the more we realise how much we don't know. :O)
      Thank you for taking the time to help.
    4. JohannB JohannB, 12 years ago
      Yes, you are correct. Tiffin used a very similar base for their lamps. You may be on to something. I will keep searching too.
    5. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 12 years ago
      Thank you Johann. I was thinking of the bird and basket of flowers. But I couldn't call up details. I will now google images and help my memory. Recall is much easier when I get foggy.
      I really appreciate your confirmation.

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