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Micro Mosaic Beetle brooch

In Fine Jewelry > Micro Mosaic Jewelry > Show & Tell and Fine Jewelry > Victorian and Edwardian Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Micro Mosaic Jewelry180 of 220Micro Mosaic 14k yellow gold mounted pendant ANTIQUE 8 carat gold MICRO MOSAIC DOVE EARRINGS and brooch/PENDANT SET of 1860/1870, original box
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (762 items)

    To my joy I recently extend my Micro Mosaic collection with this beautiful brooch. The image represents a scarab (beetle) and is made from beautiful shimmering glass tessearae. The brooch is set in sterling silver and has an old c clasp. Measurment 2.6 x 2 cm. Along with my Gold scarab pendant and the pendant mounted in vermeil with the wonderful antique red copper watch chain they form a beautiful trio.
    I'm curious what you think?

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Hi Agram, does this date around 1922 during the "King Tut" craze?
    2. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Could be, I for myself think around 1900 so this could be the period spacious taken. In any case thanks for loving.
    3. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Stunning, simply gorgeous!!! : )
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      miKKoChristmas11, I agree, thanks for loving!
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      A real beauty, Agram!
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Vetrai050, thanks a lo for your compliment and loving.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Kevin,hA, ha she is welcome as you too of course. In many aspect the US is far more better than The Netherlands, for example the sprit prices, and taxes. We only pay these days. But perhaps she is right in this aspect here this is better!
    8. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Kevin, and than another fantastic story. Newtimes (on CW) showed some times ago six micro mosaic little plaques. She gave four of them to me as a present as fellow European. I'm still confused about this wonderful geste, don't you think so??
    9. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      this is the best yet agram -- i am just gaga over this one!!!!
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      epson233, nice you like it like I do. I suppose you already know that I'm a Micro Mosaic fanatic! And this pretty little fellow can nicely complement my collection.
    11. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Love this, anything with a creepy crawly!...:-)
    12. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Inky, this is indeed a beautiful piece, thanks for loving."See" you,
    13. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Moonstonelove21 thanks for loving
    14. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Laureniscontent thanks for your interest and loving.
    15. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      BELLIN68 thanks for loving
    16. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      AR8Jason. Hello Kevin,
      What a pity that you leave CW. You're one of those with a lot of knowledge of antique and vintage jewelry and assited your knowledge with a lot of us, collectors. Moreover, it was for you never too much trouble everything as good as possible to describe or explain. In short, you leaving on CW is a loss for many collectors.
      Obviously I will be happy to ask your counsel and advise to use through your private mail data to your counsel and advice as possible. You'll hear from me!!
    17. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      bratjdd and trgrubaugh thanks for loving this brooch.
    18. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      valentino97, I also love flora and fauna and jewelry special Micro Mosaics. Thanks for your compliment and loving
    19. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Lisa thanks for your loving and support
    20. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      AMAZING pieces thank you for sharing :))))
    21. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Moonstonelover21 thanks for loving .This brooch is only one of my Micro Mosaic jewelry pieces and I published a lot of them here on CW . As you already know antique jewels are my passion, and special micro mosaic. As your special passion are moonstone jewels as I have understood.
    22. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Agram.m, you have fine taste in Antiques and I admire your collection! I do love moonstones but I tend to like you collect other neat pieces along the way :)
    23. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      neilvbcolloctables thanks for your attention and loving.
    24. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Hunter, BELLIN68 and epson233 thanks for your support and loving
    25. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      your most welcome kido -- have a great weekend love
    26. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      Vintagemad appreciate your attention and loving
    27. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      kygurl32 thanks for your attention and loving.
    28. ApatheticXHeart ApatheticXHeart, 12 years ago
      These pieces along with your other "bug" mosaics are some of the most exquisite pieces I have seen. I love micro mosaic's as well and have a few small pieces but they all pale in comparison to the ones you possess. You have one of the nicest collections of jewels I have seen out of anyone on CW.
    29. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      StephGlass also thanks for your interest and loving
    30. Agram.m Agram.m, 12 years ago
      SEAN68 many thanks for many lovings
    31. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      It is so perfect... I had to love it again! :-))

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