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My Great-Great Grandfather's Pocket Watch

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    Hello ~ what a wonderful website! My mother just recently shared this pocket watch, amongst some others and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about it. It belonged to my grandmother's father from Antwerp, Belgium. I believe it to be a good 120 + years old. There are no markings on the face, it has a beautiful silver/greenish patena, gold face with silver embelishment (leafs) around the outside of the numbers and on the inside of the numbers in the middle of the watch. Only numbers I could find is the Case # B 253592 and on the mechanism, 358 and a cross. I found some more markings on the inside of the case however they are so tiny, I just can't make them out! They appear to be numbers.

    If anyone can identify this beautiful pocket watch, share some history of it with me, I would be forever appreciative! You can reach me at Thank you so much for taking a look!!


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    1. Greg Miller, 14 years ago
      I will pay you $200.00 cash
    2. mimi30236 mimi30236, 14 years ago
      Hi Greg, thanks for the offer but it really isn't for sale. However, if you know anything about the watch, or the maker or anything to help me identify it, I would be very appreciative. . . Thanks! Mimi
    3. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Gorgeous Watch there!
    4. mimi30236 mimi30236, 14 years ago
      Thanks Shawn! I wish I could find something out about it . . . Any clues?

      Happy Father's Day!!!

    5. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Sorry Mimi... I don't even own my own watch! let alone a lovely Pocket Watch like that!
    6. tazzrlr, 14 years ago
      you can look the watch up in a watch book for belgum watches it is a stm wind.?
      so 150 years old ...the green finish is original do not try and clean it off.if you wind it only wind a little..and try and keep ot out of any moister ..could be a rare make of watches .the cross mark in the silver case look up silver marks
    7. Mimi, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the info tazzrlr! Yes, it is a stm wind. I so want to find out about the watch so I can share it with my family! So ever little bit of info helps! Oh no, will never touch the patina. . I have it wrapped up in a soft cloth and in a drawer for safe keeping. Thanks again for all your help! :)

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