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Art Glass20008 of 23534 Aurora Glass Co. c.1890Iridescent Hand Blown Vase With Hand Pained Gold Design
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (52 items)

    I was arranging my glass collection the other day and thought I'd share. I've had this need lately to take the backs off of all my shelves so the light shines through...Too fun, and a wonderful hobby/obsession.

    Was going through some older glass boxes that I'd had put away for a rainy day and came across a plain green bowl - no lable, not vaseline - and I knew it was from my earlier days of the new frenzie of glass collecting, lol. Probably wouldn't buy something like that now, I prefer labels, signatures, marking, or vaseline. Ahhh, the learning curve regarding glass is straight up :)...Only been seriously collecting for about a year...still have so much to learn.

    Art Glass
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    1. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: a while ago I was reading about dangers of various things with glass collecting and having your collection in a window definitely has a serious danger to it. the sun can come thru and the glass can act as a focusing agent (like a magnifying glass) and it can set your house on fire.

      anyway YMMV but I like to put safety warnings out now and again.

      Very pretty collection!
    2. RhondaCorvallis RhondaCorvallis, 12 years ago
      I can see the headlines now "Dolphin burns down house", lol....just teasing...thanks for the heads-up on that, I hadn't thought about it that way probably because the sun hasn't been out in weeks where I'm located. Will probably move my collection come spring....what does YMMV mean?

    3. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Hi RhondaCorvallis!...... I just love all your glass and bits and pieces and the way you have it all displayed.... I have just sat and looked through the whole lot, fantastic...but! I have to ask there is one object that I am finding quite intriguing... it looks like dark ruby glass ball with clear round glass inserts standing on a fat pedestal base/foot and it's on the top shelf right of the carafe and above what looks like a Fenton bowl and dish and three balls next to it......:-)
    4. RhondaCorvallis RhondaCorvallis, 12 years ago
      Hi Inky! I'm ROFLMAO at your question....I should have taken my "Disco Ball" out, or at least turned it on :)....yes, I have a disco ball in my room, lol. I also have Christmas lights that blink....And a remote control power strip to turn it all 1 1/2 yo grandson and I sit and go "ooooh, ahhhh". :)'s quite the bonding. You have a good eye :)
      And the balls are actually one ceramic painted egg (smaller one) and two "Environmental Ceramics" salt and pepper shakers.


    5. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Oh what fun! I bet the reflections on all the glass makes it look like fairyland.. I can just see the two of you enjoying it. I do love the glass fish you have also, the clear dolphin and the large fish behind the green bowls...:-)
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Beaut fun collection! Lots of shapes and textures ..

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