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Cut Glass342 of 542Etched Stemware German Unknown label???Stemware find
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (2 items)

    Any information anyone has on this piece I would appreciate it. I bought it at a secondhand store for a few dollars

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      No markings I assume? Is there a press line? Feel/look/sound like good crystal?
    2. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      Not sure what a press line is. This is my first day using this site. Trying to learn as I go. No markings or seams that I can. I have a camera phone but will try to upload two more photos.
    3. allirish, 12 years ago
      Hi. Very pretty. A press line would be to tell if the bowl is pattern glass or cut glass. Once you hold cut glass and then pattern glass you will be able to tell the difference.
      Need to see a picture of the whole thing though to try and possibly figure out maker and pattern. I'll look for you though.
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Thank you allirish, took the words right out of my typing fingers.
    5. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      Here is what I think is a better pic. It is heavy. I don't see any seams in it.
    6. allirish, 12 years ago
      AmberRose, Great minds think a like. LOL!

      deepher2000, It certainly looks like it may be cut glass, however, I don't know if it is American cut glass. There are so many different patterns and companies who made American Brilliant Cut Glass it's hard to put a name on your piece.

      Another thing you can do is hold it up to the sun light. If it is cut glass it will show a prism effect. Also even though you don't see a signature there may be one. They can be so light and in such obscure places that you really have to search the piece of over more than once. Personally I use a magnifying glass when looking. Hope this helps some.
      I will look through some of my cut glass books over the next couple days and look for the pattern.
      Let me know about the sun test though, please.
    7. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      Thanks for any help. I am trying to learn myself about vintage glass. I paid $5 for it and thought it looked nice but wanted to to try to learn more about it. So, any info is appreciated. I didn't even know until this post that there is cut glass and pattern glass. All very interesting! I thought for $5 I'd serve salad in it if nothing more and it turns out to be just a plain glass bowl.
    8. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      I'll hold it up to light tomorrow and get back to tell you.
    9. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      Ok, I see rainbow colors in the facets. And there are some small bubbles in the glass too. Sorry, it took me long to get back with you!
    10. deepher2000, 12 years ago
      I uploaded a new pic with a small bubble
    11. mark mark, 11 years ago
      It is newer, import glass from Europe. It is not American cut glass.

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