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    Posted 12 years ago

    (4 items)

    These were my daddy's, he was going to restore them so he could play, but..... Anyway, the middle one is a sheepskin ukelele' banjo the third one is a Harmony Monterey Mandolin (4931H410), the first instrument ... all I know is that Daddy sure loved that thing just for the artistic beauty of if.

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    1. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      The first Photo Kind of reminds me of one I have. Go to my site (musikchoo) and look for it. I posted it early in my list. Does your Mandolin have a rounded Back??
    2. czeller66 czeller66, 12 years ago
      musikchoo, yes, the mandolin in the first picture has a rounded back. It's really quite lovely in the fless with all its inlay and everything.
    3. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      I received a message with some info on what I think may be Your Mandolin. Go to my musikchoo site and click on my Mandolin and read it. My Mandolin has Different info inside the Body.

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