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MYSTERY SOLVED! - Not a "Cobra" but "The Eye-Saver"

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    For a long time this lamp was known as the so-called "Cobra" among dealers and collectors alike, causing at times fears debates about it's name, designer and period. Often falsely attributed to Norman Bel Geddes.

    With the discovery of an original Faries lamp catalogue from 1952 the mystery has been solved and facts confirmed. This lamp was designed by JEAN OTIS REINECKE in 1946 and produced by Faries Manufacturing Co. in Decatur, IL USA. Design Patent: 146,987.

    In an original Faries catalogue from 1952, this lamp is listed under no. 60243 and is simply called "The Eye-Saver".


    by Robert Brytan

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    1. prattmision prattmision, 12 years ago
      "The Eye-Saver" - Original flyer distributed with Faries Catalog No. 47. Just got this original flyer in the mail. Bombastic! :-)
    2. emanueljay, 10 years ago
      Thank you, I love seeing things like this. So many design object miss attributed. Its nice when the truth comes out.

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