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Waterford bottle with stopper

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Waterford Glass61 of 72Waterford Crystal ClockWATERFORD AND VILLE ROY & BACH CRYSTAL GLASSES
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    This item was purchased on a late 1970's trip to Ireland.
    Measurements are: 7 1/2 inches tall, 4 inches diameter.
    I've searched numerous web pages to find a picture of one.
    Because of it's petite size, it hardly seems to qualify as a decanter.
    However it is larger than a perfume bottle and I did not find it in bath oils.
    The Waterford etched stamp is on the bottom. I think it's the Lismore pattern.
    Can anyone enlighten me on exactly what this is?

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    1. allirish, 12 years ago
      I'm not certain it is Lismore but it may be a perfume bottle and stopper.
    2. allirish, 12 years ago
      It looks a lot like the "Adare" pattern to me but so many of the patterns look similar.
    3. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Type "waterford decanter" into Google and just search and search and search until you see the pattern. Strange, I just did that exact same thing to find a Waterford decanter today! Weird...
    4. allirish, 12 years ago
      You can also go on and look if you have the time.

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