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72 harley davidson servi - car meter maid

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (37 items)

    1972 harley davidson servi car 45 . this bike found me . i was stopped on the street and asked if i wanted another harley. the bike had not ran in 10 years , and was still the police black and white. it had wide car tires and a flat platform on the back .........but all the original parts were scattered around the garage ....

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    1. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Super Cool Ride !!
    2. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      That is a sweet looking bike!
    3. mikesbikes mikesbikes, 12 years ago
      thank you musik and chevy ............
    4. mugsy2, 12 years ago
      My dad recently passed away and he has a 1973 servi-car, it is the white and black, it has been repainted about 10 or more years ago. We are thinking of selling it and I have no idea what it is worth. I know he put a lot of money into rebuilding the motor and tranny to it's working original state. Actually probably more then it is worth.
    5. mikesbikes mikesbikes, 12 years ago
      mugsy2 , if you can just keep it, 1973 is the last year for the servi - car its not a bike you can ride at high speed , they were made for short hauls on resedential streets . they look cool but are only worth what someone is willing to pay

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