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    Posted 12 years ago

    (291 items)

    if these old beauties could talk :) the 4th picture is a on the 1st picture trunk lid on the inside, they really were headed for a dumpster and all full of things, in an attic, thats why they are all dusty, any ideas on thier age or maker?

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    1. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      What a wonderful find!! Oh! and to have things inside - Fantastic! Do you do house clearance or similar? I love all of them!! The picture looks Victorian era!
    2. trunkman trunkman, 12 years ago
      Nice bunch o' trunks. The first one is a 'monitor' or 'waterfall' style of trunk early 1900's. Second one hard to say who would have made it -- but that is a high quality no 5 latch on it so it was well built, probably around the same era -- last one standard flattop trunk with nice slat configuration to it and front guides -- again dame approximate date.
    3. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 12 years ago
      Thank you trunkman and Justanovice, these were in my grandmothers attic for at least 60 years in Kannsas City
    4. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      Nice that they have come down through the family!! I was too young when my Granmothers died, so someone else must have cleared the attics!!
    5. trunkingforfun, 12 years ago
      Beautitful lithograph. Will you be able to save it? restore or remove it? Any ideas about how to do that?
    6. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 12 years ago
      trunkingforfun, I have no idea how to do that, but I am going to clean them up and empty them, thank you everyone :)
    7. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      hi dean -- trunkingforfun and you seem to have the same questions on saving the lithographs -- left some information for the two of you on my site on the trunk that use to be a canvas trunk -- it is the dark brown trunk if you want to check it out -- happy valentine's day
    8. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 12 years ago
      thank you :)
    9. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Love your Trunks.....they are so good to use for storing other collectible away...LOL

      That is what I use mine for.....Need more Space!!

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