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Chinese Vase...Trying to find age.

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    Can someone please tell me if this is an old or newer Vase and the era. I just bought this at an estate sale and I think the owner was Chinese, Japanese or Korean. I would also like to know what style this is called.
    Thank you for any information...Liz

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    1. nldionne nldionne, 12 years ago
      Is very beautiful!
    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      The characters are Chinese. Is the glaze crazed? On the rim where it meets the table, the place it rests on, is that place worn down, scratched?
    3. Lizr25 Lizr25, 12 years ago
      Thank You Stillwater for your comments and aldionne also...
      The vase is so perfectly beautiful. The glaze is unmarked and beautiful to feel the smoothness. Everytime I look at this vase it seems I see something different each time. It is amazing with the colors and glaze. The bottom has no wear unless itt was also painted around the rim at one paint is there or glaze only the pottery showing . It probably was on the same spot for years. Everything at this estate sale was on the expensive side with oriental furniture and decorations throughout the whole home. The owner was wealthy before death 3 years ago. Thank you for any information you can provide.
    4. Lizr25 Lizr25, 11 years ago
      Can anyone tell me what the characters translation to English?
    5. Lizr25 Lizr25, 10 years ago
      Still trying to find out the translation of the characters on this vase...Anyone know?
    6. Stillwater Stillwater, 10 years ago
      The top one is:
      It means bright, intelligent, wise

      The second one is:
      Which means arms or armaments in Chinese, but also means Ainu in Japanese, which are the native Japanese people.

      Pronounced "hui-ring."

      Not sure if you'll be able to use that for anything though.
    7. Stillwater Stillwater, 10 years ago
      Whoops, links don't recognize the character.
      First is:
      Second is:
    8. Stillwater Stillwater, 10 years ago
      It translates as "wise warrior" but I don't know what that would mean for a pottery mark. Hope you find this interesting
    9. Lizr25 Lizr25, 10 years ago
      Thank you so very much! I do find the translation interesting. Thank you for taking the time to help me out.
    10. Lizr25 Lizr25, 9 years ago
      Still trying to find age of this Chinese vase. All help appreciated. Also what is the glazing style called? Thank You.
    11. Stillwater Stillwater, 9 years ago
      Facebook group "Collecting Japanese Porcelain" - They will be able to tell you everything you need to know
    12. Lizr25 Lizr25, 9 years ago
      Thank You so much Stillwater.

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