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The Apple of My Eye

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Bohemian Art Glass5921 of 6681Harlequin Honeycomb More Loetz Oceanik/Wellenoptisch
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (214 items)

    This Kralik vase is in what most collectors would call "cranberry" glass, but because of the shape, I will call it "candy apple red" :-) It stands about 9.5" tall and is about 3.5" in diameter at the widest. The red base glass has an applied metallic oxide irisescense in shades of red, purple, pink and gold. I would describe the shape as a gradually tapering cone to form the base, with a tapering orb atop, roughly in the shape of an inverted apple. Four indentations have been applied to the base, and another four to the orb, probably with a pincer tool. These dimples provide an optical effect of interesting reflections and variations in the iridescence. The top is ground, and the base is concave with no pontil mark. Though it is not as finely made, as evidenced by the small trapped bubble in the base, it reminds me of some of Loetz's Glatt decors in its simple shape and color scheme. Since it is unmarked, it dates to the Pre-WWI art nouveau era. 100 year old eye candy!

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    1. beyemvey beyemvey, 12 years ago
      Thanks man!
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 12 years ago
      I love this form.
    3. Slave-to-glass Slave-to-glass, 12 years ago
    4. beyemvey beyemvey, 12 years ago
      Thank you Czechman!
    5. beyemvey beyemvey, 12 years ago
      Thanks Tony, amazing how even though made 100 years ago, the form implies modernism.
    6. beyemvey beyemvey, 12 years ago
      Thank you S to G :-)

      Thanks to all for the loves & comments !
    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Fantastic colour and it...:-)

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