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LS&MS No. 8 Railroad Prince Lantern

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Railroad Lanterns and Lamps121 of 250Vintage Nier Feuerhand 280 LanternMy favorite mystery lantern, who used it, and when? Any information?
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    This Lantern is a N0. 8 Railroad Prince. It was probably made in 1869 by the Bonnell and Gridley Co. of Buffalo N.Y. There no markings on it. The bell must be removed in order to open a latch which allows you to remove the globe and light the wick.

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    1. railnsail, 12 years ago
      Great Lantern and Great Globe! It's nice to see an early lantern in such good condition
    2. lsandms, 12 years ago
      As far as I can tell, this lantern has not been cleaned for the vast majority of it's life. It has a hardened wick snd some soot on the top edge of the globe. The owner said his mother got it in the late 1800's It's possible that it was in the LS&MS bridge disaster of 1876. Who knows?
    3. brooksworks, 12 years ago
      This is a very nice example of the LS&MS PRINCE. It was made in the early 1870s by Parmelee & Bonnell in Buffalo, NY. It has all of the early features of this model: chimney bail, P&B-style brass top, serifs on the embossed letters, etc. Later versions of this model had a frame-mounted bail, larger LS&MS embossing sans serifs, and a Steam Gauge style brass top. Some can be found with an 1874 patent date stamped on the side of the chimney cylinder. LS&MS is the only RR marking I have ever seen on the Prince model.

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