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Loetz Cisele mit Tropfen, Prod Nr. II-2055, ca 1905 for Pauly & Cie, Venice

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Loetz Art Glass1902 of 2298Loetz 3-handle #7 - Inverted handleGrowing Loetz / Bohemian collection
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (649 items)

    This unusual shape in Cisele with applied teardrop decoration is not represented in the Musterschnitte (Loetz Bohmische Glas, Band II), but my friend David Littlefield was able to find it in the larger volume called Loetz Series II, Part 1, by Jitka Lnenickova, puslished by the Muzeum Susice. The only difference between this one and the line drawing is the size (this one is larger) and that the "tropfen", or "drops" are inside the rim folds rather than between them. The line drawing also references that these were made for the customer Pauly & Cie circa 1905. This would be shortly after that firm's founding in 1903, but before the company's 1919 merger with Compagnia di Venezia e Murano.

    This piece is about 4" tall and about 6" in diameter.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Great to know now the term 'Tropfen' and 'Batzen' too. Thanks again. Wonderful piece!
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 12 years ago
      What a great shape!
    3. dlfd911 dlfd911, 12 years ago
      The decor shown in the line drawing looks like their Nautilus decor rather than the tropfen that yours has, but the basic shape is the same.
    4. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 12 years ago

      Do you think the reference to "batzen" or "lumps" refers to a variant with prunts added in between the drops (i.e. the round shape on the left side of the line drawing)?
    5. dlfd911 dlfd911, 12 years ago
      Definitely. I found the line drawing in a section filled with Nautilus vases.
    6. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 12 years ago
      Interesting; so there were definitely several variations of decor/decoration on this shape. Candia Silberiris is referenced on the line drawing as well, and that is a far cry from Nautilus. Like one of the shapes I have in Wellenoptisch Candia Silberiris, I ahave the same shape in Coppelia, with the applied elements added.
    7. dasullywon dasullywon, 12 years ago
      Great stuff, thanks for all the information. The Creta Cisele finish is perfect for this organic shape, and the "tropfen" really finish the composition; some similarity to Vesuvian I'd say? Love it!

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